Benzac pH Control Antibacterial Face Wash/Benzac Microbiome Equalising Moisturiser克痘靈 Benzac 益生菌保濕修護乳/ 克痘靈 Benzac pH抗菌潔面露

Benzac pH Control Antibacterial Face Wash/Benzac Microbiome Equalising Moisturiser Indications/Uses




DCH Auriga - Healthcare
Full Prescribing Info
Benzac pH Control Antibacterial Face Wash: Rebalancing wash for spot-prone skin. Dissolves pore-clogging impurities. Deeply cleanses and hydrates for up to 4 hours. Reduces skin dryness, soothes irritation, and helps limit acne bacteria that can cause breakouts.
Benzac Microbiome Equalising Moisturiser: Rebalancing daily moisturiser for breakout-prone skin. Improves skin discomfort and irritation post-acne routine. Hydrates skin and retains moisture for 24 hours. Helps reduce spots and improves skin clarity.
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